About Shaykh Ashraf Salah

Shaykh Ashraf Salah is the former Imam of London Central Mosque and the Islamic Cultural Centre. He is a graduate of Al-Azhar University in the Faculty of Language and Translation, Department of Islamic Studies. He completed his MA in Islamic Studies at Birkbeck College, University of London. Shaykh Ashraf has delivered many educational courses covering topics such as Quran interpretation, Islamic faith and ethics, biography of the Prophet and Arabic language. He has authored several research papers including Justice in Human Relations According to the Quran and The Moral Teachings of the Quran. Currently, he is an Imam at the Egyptian Ministry of Religious Endowments.

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Remembrance Of Allah - By Shaykh Ashraf Salah

  Remembrance Of Allah
  By Shaykh Ashraf Salah  

Dear Muslims:
Allah (SWT) says: “Remember Me, and I will remember you, give thanks to Me and do not be ungrateful” (Al-Baqarah: 152).

Our duty, we the people of Islam, is that we ponder the concept of remembrance, so that its meaning becomes clear to us, and that we may perhaps fulfill its right. Allah (SWT) says: “Those who believe and their hearts are tranquil from the remembrance of Allah (SWT), Is it not through the remembrance of Allah (SWT)  that the hearts feel tranquility? Those that believed and did good deeds, paradise is for them and the best of Abodes” (Ar-Ra’d: 28-29).

Remembrance, is encompassing, it cannot be constrained to certain areas, or placed in general precepts of statements and actions, ideas and beliefs. Remembrance is not an hour of calling out to your Lord; limited to the morning or the evening, in the mosque or in a Mihrab (niche), and after which, the servant travels about in all places of the earth heedlessly, doing as he wishes and acting as he pleases. The one alive with the remembrance of his Lord, who is truly practicing his Deen, realizes that his Lord is watching him in every situation, wherever he may be. His path of actions and activities being in accordance with the commands of his Lord and his prohibitions, he acknowledges his human weakness, and therefore seeks the assistance of his Lord in everything that befalls and worries him. Concerning this, Saeed bin Jubair (RAA) said: “Everyone who performs an action out of the obedience to Allah (SWT) then he is one who remembers Allah (SWT)  the Most High”.

Dear Muslims:
The Muslim who remembers Allah (SWT), - awakes and sleeps, sits and stands, leaves in the morning and returns in the evening having a deep feeling that the beating of his heart, the rotation of his eyes and the movement of his limbs, - all are in the grasp of Allah (SWT) and under His control. He has a deep feeling of faith, that the coming of the night and the approach of the day, the breath of dawn and the setting of the twilight, the movements of creation and the orbits of the planets … all of that is by the power of Allah (SWT) and through his decree. Allah (SWT) says: “Those that remember their lord standing sitting and upon their sides, and ponder the creation of the heavens and the earth with the thought: O our Lord not for a foolish purpose did you create all of this, Glory to you, grant us salvation from the punishment of the fire” (Aal-‘Imran: 191).

Those who remember Allah (SWT)  sincerely live for their Lord, praying, praising Him, struggling in His Cause, and acting for His Sake. They have distanced themselves from the deceptions of this temporary life, and the attractions of this earth, and they have traveled on the path towards the pleasure of Allah (SWT), seeking His Face, remembering His Name at all times and in all situations. Allah (SWT) says: “Say: verily my prayer and my sacrifice, my life and my death are for Allah (SWT) the Lord of the worlds. He has no partner, and with this I have been ordered and I am the first of the Muslims” (Al-An’am: 162-163).

The situation comes to a point where their Lord boasts of them in front of his angels. Muslim narrates in his Sahih from the Hadith of Muaawiyah (RAA) who said that the messenger of Allah (PBUH) came out upon a circle of his companions and said: “What made you all sit here? They said: We sat to remember Allah (SWT) and to praise Him for guiding us to Islam and the favor He showed upon us through that. He (PBUH) said: I ask you in the name of Allah (SWT) , nothing made you sit here except that? They said: Nothing except that. He (PBUH) then said: As far as my questioning you and asking you in the name of Allah (SWT), then I did not do that out of contempt of you, But Jibreel had come to me and informed me that Allah (SWT) the glorious and majestic boasts of you to the angels”.

Dear Brothers And Sisters In Islam:
The Muslim who remembers Allah (SWT), possessing a pure heart, submitting to Allah (SWT), and on the other hand he nobly toils, his feet dusty, and his hands straining in the arena of work, with no impatience nor weakness, with no humiliation nor pride, humbly working for Allah (SWT), and saying: “O Allah (SWT)  I seek refuge in you from incapacity, laziness, cowardice, decrepit old age, and stinginess. I seek refuge with you from the punishment of the grave and the trials of life and death”, and in the narration of Al-Bukhari “and the burden of debt, and the coercion of men” (as narrated by Anas and reported by Muslim).

Here is a practical glimpse of the day of a Muslim who remembers his Lord, - a Muslim who   follows the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).

The Islamic day starts from the faint light of dawn, or a little before that, and it stretches the day’s length, turning through the late morning and afternoon, through the night and early morning, the Muslim awakes with the rise of dawn, starting his day with this supplication: “All praise to the One Who gave my body health, and return to me my soul, and permitted me to remember Him”. (Reported by Tirmidhi as narrated by Abu Hurairah). “We have awaken upon the fitrah of Islam and the statement of sincerity and upon the Deen of Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and upon the way of our father Abraham turning to the oneness of Allah (SWT) as a Muslim and he was not from those that commit shirk” (Ahmad, Tabarani).

During this, O Muslims – the veil of silence is torn, split by the beautiful sound of clear words and of pristine meanings and objectives, - the sound of the Mu’adhdhin calling to The Oneness of Allah (SWT) and to success, in statements - all of which are remembrance, being repeated after him by the Muslims.

Dear Muslims:
The Islamic day starts with footsteps of tranquility and peace, to the mosque in the dark of the morning, so that the Muslim may stand devoted and fearful in front of his Lord five times a day; Allah (SWT)  says: “and establish the prayer for my remembrance” (Taha: 14). He (SWT) says also: “And establish the prayer verily prayer prevents lewdness and evil and the remembrance of Allah (SWT) is greater” (Al-Ankabut: 45).

This pious Muslim says when leaving his home for the prayer: “O Allah (SWT) place in my heart light, and in my sight light and in my hearing light and on my right side light and on my left light and over me light, and below me light and in front of me light and behind me light, and make this light great for me” (Bukhari, Muslim).

When his feet come closer to the mosque then he calls out with another remembrance, for the messenger of Allah (PBUH) has said: “when one of you enters the Masjid then he should send blessing upon the prophet (PBUH), then say: O Allah open for me the gates of your mercy. In addition, when he leaves he should say: O Allah I ask you from your blessings” (Muslim, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah). On the authority of Haywah Ibn Shuraih who said: I met Uqbah Ibn Muslim and I said to him: I have heard that you have narrated a Hadith from Abdullah Ibn Amru Ibn Al-Aas from the Prophet (PBUH) that when he would enter the Masjid he would say: “I seek refuge with Allah (SWT)  the Great, and with His Glorious Face, and His Eternal Authority, from the accursed Satan. He said: Is that all? I said yes. He said: So when you say that Satan says: He has been protected from me for the rest of the day” (Abu Dawood).

Dear Muslims:
This long Islamic day is mixed with supplications for eating and drinking, traveling and returning, sleeping and wakefulness, tiresome and difficult times, health and sickness, supplications for this life and its worries, debts and its payments, seeking ones sustenance, relationship with one’s family, and the righteousness of children.

If we have the pure objective in seeking after the pleasure of Allah (SWT) and desiring good for people, then we will achieve the pleasure of this world and the success of the hereafter, and it is narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said: Whoever had this life as his sole concern then Allah (SWT)  will disperse his affairs and place poverty right before his eyes, and nothing would come to him except that which is written for him, and whoever had the next life as his intention, Allah (SWT) will gather for him his affairs, and place richness in his heart, and this life (pleasures of the world) will come to him, falling upon. (Ibn Majah, Tirmithi, Ibn Hibban).

May Allah (SWT), bless, guide and forgive us all. (Ameen).

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