About Shaykh Ashraf Salah

Shaykh Ashraf Salah is the former Imam of London Central Mosque and the Islamic Cultural Centre. He is a graduate of Al-Azhar University in the Faculty of Language and Translation, Department of Islamic Studies. He completed his MA in Islamic Studies at Birkbeck College, University of London. Shaykh Ashraf has delivered many educational courses covering topics such as Quran interpretation, Islamic faith and ethics, biography of the Prophet and Arabic language. He has authored several research papers including Justice in Human Relations According to the Quran and The Moral Teachings of the Quran. Currently, he is an Imam at the Egyptian Ministry of Religious Endowments.

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The Last Day - By Shaykh Ashraf Salah

The Last Day
 By Shaykh Ashraf Salah

Dear Muslims:
The Last Day, or the Day of Judgement, is a day in which there is no doubt. It is a day to be feared. The deeds of every single human and jinn will be brought forth in a record. Whether the deed is as small and weightless as an ant or as large and massive as the seven heavens, it will all be weighed and no one will be wronged or treated unfairly. According to ones deeds, he will either be thrown into the raging fires of Hell or peacefully welcomed into Paradise.

The angel called Israfil (PBUH) will blow the Trumpet which will sound like a single blast as stated in Surah Al-Haqqah, “Then when the Trumpet will be blown as one blowing” (69:13). All the people will be in utter confusion and panic. The sound will be so frightening and dreadful that all humans, the jinn, the birds and animals, will all tremble with fright and terror. They will all be crowding together trying to figure out what exactly is going on:  “When the Trumpet is sounded, Truly, that day will be a hard day”. (74:8-9).
“The Day when the Trumpet will be blown, you shall come forth in crowds”. (An-Naba 78:18).

There will be such a violent earthquake after the first blow of the Trumpet that all buildings, all mountains, and all the trees on the earth will move from their foundations: “And when the earth is stretched forth and has cast out all that was in it and became empty. (84:3-4).

The heavens will, after splitting asunder, become a lifeless body. The mountains will become dust. The sun and the stars will lose their shine and be thrown over and will fall. The rivers and oceans will be set on fire. There will be no mountain or tree or human left. The heavens and the earth will experience a great revolution. The peaceful organized system of the universe will be destroyed and the Trumpet will be sounded for the second time.

Dear Muslims:
The second blow Israfil makes is one of life and population. But this life is not like the life the creation lived prior to dying and being raised up again. This will be a Day of, either, fear and regret or rejoice and happiness. Allah (SWT) says describing the situation at this time: “Hearts, that Day, will shake with fear and anxiety. Their eyes will be down cast”. (79:8-9). He (SWT) says also: “But when there comes the greatest catastrophe; the Day when man shall remember what he strove for”. (79:34-35).

The souls will be joined with the bodies and all creation will be standing with anticipation. It will be a Day in which no one will pay heed to anyone including his or her own loved ones. Everyone will be worried about his or her ownself, remembering the deeds he or she committed.

Those people who obeyed the commandments of their Lord and struggled against their own base, worldly desires will be among the joyful. They will feel no grief, nor will they be fearful. They will be in delight and their faces will be shining. They will rejoice, about whom Allah (SWT) says: “Verily, the friends of Allah are those on whom fear comes not, nor do they grieve!”. (10:62). Their faces will be calm, glad for their righteous deeds and for their obedience to the Lord, All-Mighty. But those who acted upon their own worldly ambitions and lustful desires, will be full of grief and remorse. Their faces will be black with dust, with no nur (light) shining upon them. They will cry about the evil deeds they committed during their life on earth. They will repent and bite their fingers and wish they were sent back to amend and do good deeds, but no repentance or faith will be accepted after the sounding of the first blow of the Trumpet.
“O man! Verily, you are returning towards your Lord with your deeds and actions, a sure returning, and you will meet (the results of your deeds which you did)”. (84:6).

Dear Brothers And Sisters In Islam:
Every moment of a persons life, he or she is getting closer and closer to meeting his Lord and he will meet Him with all of his deeds. Nothing will be left hidden as a secret, whether the deed and action was in obedience to Allah (SWT) or in disobedience to Him. You should take care of your time. Do not waste it and beware of your actions because it will either speak for you or against you.

In the day of resurrection the heaven will be opened and the angels will descend with the records of deeds of each human and jinn. Everyone will be handed his/her Record of Deeds. The obedient, pious believers, those who observed salah, paid zakah, fasted, and were among the steadfast will receive their records in their right hands, a sign of their success in the Hereafter. And they will enter Paradise. Those who disbelieved in Allah (SWT), His prophets, and His revelations, those who were proud and arrogant and disobedient, will receive their record of deeds in their left hands and for them will be the abode of the Fire.

Dear Muslims:
After the weighing of the deeds, everyone will be ordered to cross the Bridge to Paradise. The righteous servants of Allah (SWT), will pass it swiftly and the gates of Paradise will be wide open anticipating their entrance. The angels will greet them with the greeting of Peace and will congratulate them for their obedience to Allah (SWT) and their good deeds. As for the enemies of Allah (SWT) , the disbelievers and the sinners, they will not be able to cross the Bridge at all and will fall into the raging fires of Hell. Therein they will abide. Those who had even an iota of faith in them, will eventually be taken out of the torment and entered into Paradise. Then, only the polytheists and disbelievers, who had no faith in Allah (SWT) or the Last Day, will abide in the Hellfire eternaly. They will have absolutely no hope of being rescued from the Fire. The joy of the dwellers of Paradise, as well as the grief of the dwellers of Hell is without limit.

Allah (SWT) says: “Verily, those who believe and do righteous good deeds, they are the best of creatures. Their reward, with their Lord, is Paradise, underneath which rivers flow. They will abide therein forever; Allah will be pleased with them and they with Him. That is for him who fears his Lord”. (98:7-8).

Allah (SWT) describes the day in surat Al-imran verse 30 "On the Day when every person will be confronted with all the good he has done, and all the evil he has done, he will wish that there were a great distance between him and his evil".

Dear Muslims:
The good believer will have an easy reckoning in the day of judgment while anyone who has his reckoning or accountability discussed will be punished:

Imam Bukhari and Muslim reported that Ai'sha said that the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: "Destroyed is the one who has his account settled on the Day of Resurrection", Ai'sha said, "O messenger of Allah didn't Allah say (surat Al-Inshiqaq verses 7 and 8) "Then he who is given his recorder in his right hand soon will his account be taken by easy reckoning", The Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) replied "This is the skimming through the deeds; and destroyed is the one who has his account settled on the Day of Judgment.

Moreover, Allah (SWT) will cover up the believer his sins after He (SWT) reminds him about them. Then He (SWT) will forgive him his sins, and allow him to enter paradise.

This is concluded from a hadeth reported by Imam Buhari and Muslim in which the profet (PBUH) said "Allah will bring the believer very close and privately ask him "Do you know this sin? Do you know that sin? The believers reply will be "Yes Oh lord," until he is reminded about all of his sins, and he thinks he will perish. Then Allah will say "I covered up your sins during your life, and I will forgive you your sins today. Then he will be given his book of good deeds. But the unbelievers and hypocrites will be asked about their deeds loudly in front of the creatures. "…These are the ones who lied against their lord!" No doubt! The curse of Allah is on the "Zalimun" (polytheists, wrong-doers, oppressors, ect.)! (11:18).

Dear Muslims:
We should prepare ourselves for the last day in which there is no translator between the servant and his Lord, but there is direct questioning. Imam Bukhari reported that the messenger of Allah said "Allah will talk to everyone directly, without a translator. The person will look to his right, and will not see anything but his deeds. The person, then will look in front of himself and will see nothing but hellfire facing him. So protect yourself from hellfire even by giving charity a half of date”.

We will be reckoned and asked about every thing so we should do our best to show Allah (SWT) that we deserve His reward:  Tirmithi related in a good hadeeth that the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had said, "The son of Adam will not pass away from Allah until he is asked about five things: how did he spend his life, and how did he utilize his youth, from what means did he earn his wealth, and how did he spend it, and what did he do with his knowledge."

May Allah (SWT) make us amongst His sincere servants who are saved from hell fire and rewarded in paradise, may He (SWT) bless, guide, and forgive us all (Ameen).

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