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» The Night Of Decree - By Shaykh Ashraf Salah
The Night Of Decree - By Shaykh Ashraf Salah
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The Night Of Decree
By Shaykh Ashraf Salah
The Night of Decree or honor is a special
gift only to the community (Ummah) of Islam. This night is one which even the
angels in the heavens see as worthy of witnessing. This night is so rich with
holiness, as the night when good deeds are returned, and is equal to a thousand
months in the sight of Allah (SWT).
In a report by Abi
Hatim and Al-Wahidi, by way of Mujahid, the Messenger (PBUH) mentioned that
there was a man among the Israelites who devoted his life to the cause of Allah
(SWT) for a thousand months. The companions were amazed and impressed, but were
saddened because they knew there would be no way that they could reach this
status of devotion. So Allah (SWT) revealed this surah to inform them that He had
just blessed this Ummah with the Night of Honor, which is equal to a thousand
"We have
indeed revealed it, (Al-Qur`an) in the Night of Decree. And what will make you
know what the night of Decree is? The night of Decree is better than a thousand
months. Therein descend the angels and the Ruh (Jibril) by Allah`s permission
with all decrees. All that night, there is peace untill the appearance of
dawn" (97:1-5).
Dear Muslims:
By revealing the Holy Qur'an in the Night of Decree, Allah
(SWT) inaugurated or started its revelation for the beginning of the Mohamad`s
prophethood ('Bi'ethah), and the Prophet's mission of Al-Islam began in the
month of Ramadan on that Night. Al-Qur'an was not revealed in one night; it was
revealed over the course of 23 years. Ibn Abbas (RAA) said: The whole Qur'an
was revealed to the lower heavens from the protective slate (Lawhul Mahfuz) on
the Night of Decree, then from there to the earth in the course of 23 years.
The word Decree,
Al-Qadr implies having Decree over something, as in the case of the Creator
over the creation. Allah's (SWT) is capable, omnipotent, almighty, all
Decreeful. It also implies excellence and high esteem, and as for this Night of
Decree, it is highly esteemed and regarded. For this night is equal to over 80
years in the sight of Allah (SWT).
The word Al-Qadr
also implies to maintain, appoint, assign or decree an order. Thus, in
the Night of Decree, Allah (SWT) proclaims to the angels His commands and
orders in regards to the affairs of the universe. Qadr also implies
measurement, that is all the events of the year will occur in accordance to the
exact measurement of what is in the knowledge of Allah, Who states:
"Verily, all things have We created in proportion and measure."
Dear Brothers And Sisters In Islam:
Allah (SWT) in His
mercy, has concealed the exact date of the Night of Decree so that we would
double our efforts in the whole month of Ramadan, or at least the last ten
days. The majority of the scholars who agreed that the night occurs in the
month of Ramadan, disagreed on the exact night. There is evidence that the
night comes on the last ten days of Ramadan, specifically on the odd numbered
nights. In a report by Bukhari, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Seek
it on the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan."
In a hadith by Ibn
Umar (RAA), some men among the companions saw the night in a dream occurring in
the last seven nights. Responding to this, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) told
them, "I see your dreams coincide on the last seven, whoever wants to seek
it should do so in the last seven." (Bukhari and Muslim).
In Muslim's
report, the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Seek the night in the last ten days, and
if any of you is weak, or can't observe it, he should not miss the remaining
seven days." In Hadith by Ubayy bin Ka'ab (RAA), he said: "By Allah,
I know which night it is. It is the night the Messenger commanded us to
observe, the night of the 27th." (Ahmed and Tirmidhi).
Analyzing all these citations indicates
still no one knows for sure which night is the Night of Decree. It seems that
the night shifts and rotates to different nights from one year to another. It
may occur on the 27th in one year, while the next year it will be on the 25th,
while on the following year it will be occurring on the 29th, etc.
Dear Muslims:
It is recommended
to seek the night of Decree and spend it diligently in devotion, including
night Sunnah prayers (Tahajjud), recitation of Al-Qur'an and supplications. In
a hadith related by Abu Hurairah (RAA), the Messenger of Allah (saas) said:
"He who spends the night in prayer on the Night of Decree, as a sign of
His faith, and seeking rewards from Allah, his previous sins will be
forgiven." (Bukhari and Muslim). This citation indicates that regardless
of whether a person knows the night or not, Allah (SWT) will grant him
forgiveness for previous shortcomings.
The Night of
Decree is better than a thousand months. This indicates that acts of worship
such as prayer, charity, and recitation done on this night are better in reward
than the same act done on other nights. The rewards (thawaab) are being
multiplied several-fold.
As regard to the
coming down of the angels, He (SWT) used the form (tanazzal) "They
come", to indicate that the angels descend on the Night of Decree, group
after group; some coming down to earth while others ascend into the heaven.
This heavenly, angelic organized traffic of good will continues until the break
of dawn. As for the reasons why they come, there are several explanations including:
(1) they descend to witness how we worship and obey Allah, and (2) to show
their deep love for the believers. This is why they seek permission from Allah
(SWT) to come and meet us. This is a once-a-year opportunity they do not like
to miss. (3) Allah (SWT) promised the believers that in the hereafter, angels
will approach on them with greetings: "...And the angels shall enter into
them from every gate (with the salutation): Peace be unto you for that you
persevered in patience..." (13:23-24).
The Night of
Decree is described as the night of peace because of the salutation from the
angels. Also, this is a wish of safety and peace from all evil and harmful
things, or the angels will only bring on this night, good things!
Dear Muslims:
Zakaat Ul-Fitr is obligatory upon every
Muslim as is confirmed in the hadeeth narrated by Ibn Omar (RAA) that the
Prophet (PBUH) ordered Zakaat Ul-Fitr, a sa’a of dates or barley, to be given
on behalf of the slave and the free, the male and the female, the young and the
adult among the Muslims. A Sa’a is a
cubic measure of volume and its weight may differ according to the various
types of food. In case of rice, it is
equivalent to 2.5kg approximately.
Some Muslim scholars say that it could be
paid in cash money equivalent to the value of its sale. The value of Zakaat
Ul-Fitr this year in this country is 4 pounds per person. As to the types of
food from which it has to be given, they are specified in the hadeeth narrated
by Abee Sa’eed (in Sahih Muslim and Bukhari) who said: “We used to give one
sa’a of meal or one sa’a of barley or one sa’a of dates, or one sa’a of iqt
(dried yoghurt or cottage cheese) or one sa’a of raisins as Zakaat Ul Fitr”.
This Zakaat is only paid to the poor and
not to any of the other eight categories to which annual Zakaat is normally
given. Ibn Abbas (RAA) said that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “ Zakaat Ul-Fitr is a
purification for the fasting Muslim from vain talk and obscenity, and food for
the poor”.
Zakaat Ul Fitr
should be given before the Muslim perfprms Eid prayer as is confirmed in the
hadeeth narrated by Ibn Omar that the Prophet (PBUH) ordered Zakaat-Ul Fitr to
be given before people go out for prayer. If Zakaat-Ul Fitr is given after Eid
day, it is not accepted as Zakaat Ul Fitr, and becomes ordinary Sadaqah.
May Allah (SWT) help us all to reap the
benefits of the Night of Decree, accept our good deeds, forgive and bless us
all (Ameen).