About Shaykh Ashraf Salah

Shaykh Ashraf Salah is the former Imam of London Central Mosque and the Islamic Cultural Centre. He is a graduate of Al-Azhar University in the Faculty of Language and Translation, Department of Islamic Studies. He completed his MA in Islamic Studies at Birkbeck College, University of London. Shaykh Ashraf has delivered many educational courses covering topics such as Quran interpretation, Islamic faith and ethics, biography of the Prophet and Arabic language. He has authored several research papers including Justice in Human Relations According to the Quran and The Moral Teachings of the Quran. Currently, he is an Imam at the Egyptian Ministry of Religious Endowments.

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Ad-Dunya; This World - By Shaykh Ashraf Salah

Ad-Dunya; This World
 By Shaykh Ashraf Salah
Dear Muslims
  The word dunya comes from danaa. This root word has two meanings: near and lowly. This life has been called al-hayaat ud-dunya because it is the near (or "nearest"), the apparent and the current existence which we know and also because it is lesser, despicable and superficial in comparison to the real life in the hereafter

Ad-Dunya is the place that contains all the objects of desire of the human nafs (person) in this life.  It is in reality a mere transition or place of passing and has no permanence or lasting meaning.  The life of this world and all that is in it is like the beautiful plants or crops which impress those who look on them but which shortly are turned into dead leaves and dust blown about by the wind.  The Prophet (PBUH) said
"This life in comparison to the life hereafter is nothing except like that which one of you finds if he sticks his finger into the ocean and then sees what it brings back with it".  (Muslim).

Dear Muslims
The life of this world has been made attractive and desireable to mankind.   Unlike some other religions, Islam does not negate this love nor deem it as inherently evil.  Rather, they are natural desires which Allah (SWT) created in us and only need to be channeled into what Allah (SWT) has allowed or encouraged and not allowed to control our actions and beliefs in disobedience to Allah (SWT). So this life is a temporary place of testing which determines our permenant condition in the life hereafter.   The Prophet (PBUH) said
"Surely, this dunya is sweet and fresh.  And Allah (SWT) makes you the heirs of it and then watches what you do.  So beware of this dunya and beware regarding women."  (Muslim).
A Muslim is not ordered to turn his back on the things of this life. Rather, a Muslim is commanded to seek, exploit and use these things in obedience to Allah (SWT) and in furthering the cause of raising Allah's religion in the land. A Muslim should SEEK his portion of the things of this life and seek to use them in obedience to Allah (SWT). There is not order to turn away form such things simply because they are "wordly".  Allah (SWT) said:
{And seek with that which Allah has given you the realm of the hereafter and do not neglect your portion in this life. And be gracious as Allah has been gracious to you. And do not seek corruption in the land for Allah does not love the corrupters}.  (Al-Qasas:77).

Dear Brothers And Sisters In Islam
As we indulge in the pleasures of this world - within the bounds established by Allah (SWT) - we must never forget its "lowliness" in comparison with the provision of Allah (SWT) in the hereafter to those of His slaves who were obedient in this "place of passing".  Allah (SWT) said:
{This has been made beautiful to people: the love of the desires such as women, sons, piled up heaps of gold and silver, branded horses, cattle and land. That is the provision of this life but with Allah is the best place of return}.   (Aal-'Imran:14).
Allah (SWT) did not negate the love of mankind for these things nor is it regarded as an innate evil - the test is in what we do with them.  Will we indulge in them in obedience to Allah (SWT) and thereby transform mere pleasures and indulgences into worship of our Lord?  Or will we become slaves to the objects of our desires turning all of our pleasures in this world into disobedience and rebellion against Allah (SWT)?  The Prophet (PBUH) knew that this nation would experience plenty and riches after him and feared for us with regard to this test more than he feared for us from the test of poverty and deprivation.  He (PBUH) said:
"One of the things from which I fear for you after me is that which will be given to you from the flowers of this dunya and its ornaments".  (Muslim & Bukhari).

Dear Muslims
Allah (SWT) also warned us in the Holy Qur'an about allowing the dunya to lead us instead of us using it in obedience to Him:
{O people!  The promise of Allah is surely true so do not let the life of this world deceive you nor be deceived by the Deceiver}.  (Fatir:5).
The meaning of not letting the life of this world deceive you is to not allow it to distract you and draw you away from worship and obedience to Allah (SWT). The meaning of being deceived by the Deceiver (Shaitaan and his forces) is explained by Ash-Shawkaani like this:
"...let not Shaitaan deceive you with regard to Allah (SWT) by saying to you: "Allah will overlook this for you and will forgive you because you are a good person or because of His great mercy upon you [and so you no longer hesitate in disobeying Allah]." 

So, when the desires of this world are tempting us to neglect obedience to Allah (SWT) and to follow them instead of Him (SWT), we should remember the lowliness of this life and its insignificance in comparison to the life hereafter except as a testing ground where Allah (SWT) watches what we do.  Other than that, this life is composed mostly of foolishness and wasted time. Allah (SWT) said:
{And the life of this world is nothing but frivolity and playing while the realm of the hereafter is the true life if they only knew.}  (Al-'Ankabut:64).

Dear Muslims
The only good that we can get out of this life is whatever obedience and worship we can offer to Allah (SWT) while we are here.  Of utmost importance in this regard is learning our religion and teaching what we have learned to others along with calling others to enter into submission and practice of Islam. The Prophet (PBUH) said:
"Verily this dunya is cursed and all that is in it is cursed except for the remembrance of Allah (SWT) and all that goes with it and a scholar or a student."  (At-Tirmidhi).

Dear Brothers And Sisters In Islam
The most important thing to realize here is that the human heart by nature is a slave to something.  If that slavery ('uboodiya) is not directed to Allah (SWT), then it will surely find something else to which to attach itself.  Also, all might and greatness is derived from Allah's might and greatness so whoever is not attached to Allah (SWT) will be pathetic and weak even in this life and especially in the hereafter.   Al-Imam Ash-Shafi'iy said:
"Whoever is overcome by the intensity of his desires because of love of this life will of necessity become enslaved to its people. And whoever is content by being satisfied with little, will find the humiliation lifted from him."

(May Allah (SWT) make us sincere slaves for Him alone, bless, and forgive us all (Ameen  

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