About Shaykh Ashraf Salah

Shaykh Ashraf Salah is the former Imam of London Central Mosque and the Islamic Cultural Centre. He is a graduate of Al-Azhar University in the Faculty of Language and Translation, Department of Islamic Studies. He completed his MA in Islamic Studies at Birkbeck College, University of London. Shaykh Ashraf has delivered many educational courses covering topics such as Quran interpretation, Islamic faith and ethics, biography of the Prophet and Arabic language. He has authored several research papers including Justice in Human Relations According to the Quran and The Moral Teachings of the Quran. Currently, he is an Imam at the Egyptian Ministry of Religious Endowments.

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“And whoever committed an injustice will have utterly failed” - By Shaykh Ashraf Salah

And whoever committed an injustice will have utterly failed
 By Shaykh Ashraf Salah

Dear Muslims: On the Day of Judgement the scales will be established, justice will prevail and every right will be given to its owner. On that day Allah the Exalted will say, “By My power and might the injustice of an oppressor will not go unpunished by Me today.” And in an authentic hadith, the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, “Beware of injustice as indeed injustice will be a darkness on the Day of Judgement.” (Related by Muslim).

Wisdom dictates that we put everything in its proper place and justice dictates that both scales of the balance be equal. However, injustice is the antithesis of each of these and the life of this world is not free from oppressors and the oppressed. Despite this, Allah loves wisdom and He loves justice and consequently, He gives aid to the oppressed. At the same time He hates injustice and oppression, as He says in Qur`an,

“And your Lord is not unjust to His slaves.” (41:46)

And in another verse, “Indeed Allah is not unjust to mankind but it is mankind who are unjust to themselves.” (10:44)

Dear Brothers And Sisters In Islam: One form of injustice is the oppression of one’s own soul by the committing of sins and the performance of acts of disobedience - all of which Allah has forbidden. This is not all however, as oppression of one’s own soul may also take the form of preventing oneself from the pleasure of being obedient to one’s Lord and Creator, as there is nothing more enjoyable to a pure soul than the pleasure of worshipping its Lord and to exist in the blessing of His servitude. Oppression of one’s own soul also means that a person believes that to bring about benefit, harm, giving, fear, hope and trusting are for created beings and how is this possible when a person is unable to bring about benefit, or harm or life or death for himself let alone anyone else? All of this is the right of Allah, as He says in the Qur`an,

“Doesn’t the creation and the command belong to Allah.” (7:54)

Dear Muslims: Oppression of one’s soul maybe extended to become injustice to others and this is what we hear commonly in the lives of people; for example, this is apparent in the oppression of some rulers with regard to their subjects. Let us consider some of the issues that people are neglectful of, considering them to be issues that are in significant and unimportant but that are great in the sight of Allah.

Firstly, the oppression of children with regard to their parents, which occurs when they are disobedient to them and which the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, informed us is one of the greatest sins. As such, you see such a person leaving the obedience of their parents, disrespecting them, being ill mannered with them, displaying dislike and disdain for them, denying the good they have done for them, despite the fact that they are one of the main reasons for his existence on the face of this planet.
In contrast if we were to examine the oppression of parents with regard to their children we would find that it is a dangerous ailment and a cause of great corruption. Your oppression of your children begins by not teaching them the affairs of their religion, which are compulsory duties, such as purification, prayer and the rulings regarding such acts of worship. Similarly, by your neglect of training them in the foundations and principles of Islamic manners and by allowing them to roam freely, with no accountability or responsibility, in the company of the ill mannered. In addition, you oppress your children by nourishing their bodies with illegal wealth, such as that gained from usury, interest and forbidden transactions and as you are aware, a body which has been nourished with illegal gains then Hellfire is more deserving of it.

Another form of injustice is that of the husband regarding his wife and that of the wife regarding her husband. As for the husband, Allah has ordered him to live in harmony with his wife and the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has ordered him to fear Allah regarding his wife saying, “… fear Allah regarding women, as indeed you have taken them with the trust of Allah and made permissible for yourselves their bodies with the word of Allah.” As for the wife then she is requested to be obedient to her husband in that which is good and to protect her husband’s home, wealth and children. Similarly, the husband is ordered to teach his family the rulings of Islam, especially those which are specific to women, with regard to purification and dress codes etc.

Dear Brothers And Sisters In Islam: From the most familiar forms of injustice which occurs amongst people is when they attack one another in terms of their bodies, wealth and honour - and how common this is in our daily lives. However, the successful and saved person is the one who left this world having neither Muslim blood on his hands, Muslim wealth in his pockets and who had controlled his tongue regarding their reputation. Thus, his good deeds will be secured and he will be saved from carrying the sins of others. So beware and be afraid of the supplication of the oppressed as it rises up to Allah and there is no barrier between it and Him.

There is also a type of injustice that Allah will not forgive, which is to associate partners with Him (shirk). In contrast, oppression of one’s own soul may be forgiven via repentance, seeking Allah’s forgiveness, and the good deeds and trials, which expiate sins. In addition, Allah (SWT) does not allow His creation to simply oppress one another with no accountability - indeed, every one will have his rights returned to him on the day of Judgement and as such, no one will be saved on that day except by returning people’s belongings to them and requesting them to overlook and forgive such injustices.

And if your power over people encourages you to oppress them, remember the power Allah has over you and remember your meeting in the hereafter with the Most Just of Judges. So whoever oppressed his brother in terms of wealth or reputation or any other matter, then let him seize the opportunity in this life to free himself from his act of injustice before a day comes where neither wealth nor prestige will avail him, as the judgement on that day will be settled with good deeds and bad deeds. So whoever had good deeds, then they will be taken from him according to the amount of injustice he committed and whoever had no good deeds, then the sins of the one he oppressed will be placed upon him until his scales will become heavy with the sins of other people, as the Prophet, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Do you know who the bankrupt person is?” They [the Companions] replied, “The bankrupt person among us is the one who has no money or belongings.” He, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The bankrupt person from my community is the one who came on the Day of Judgement with prayers, fasting and zakat but also came having abused someone, slandered another, took the wealth of another, spilled the blood of another and struck another. [Consequently] his rewards will be distributed to all of them and when they have been exhausted before his account is fulfilled, then their sins will be taken and cast upon him and he will be thrown into Hellfire.” (Related by Muslim)

May Allah (SWT) forgive, bless and guide us all (Ameen).

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