About Shaykh Ashraf Salah

Shaykh Ashraf Salah is the former Imam of London Central Mosque and the Islamic Cultural Centre. He is a graduate of Al-Azhar University in the Faculty of Language and Translation, Department of Islamic Studies. He completed his MA in Islamic Studies at Birkbeck College, University of London. Shaykh Ashraf has delivered many educational courses covering topics such as Quran interpretation, Islamic faith and ethics, biography of the Prophet and Arabic language. He has authored several research papers including Justice in Human Relations According to the Quran and The Moral Teachings of the Quran. Currently, he is an Imam at the Egyptian Ministry of Religious Endowments.

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Reliance On Allah - By Shaykh Ashraf Salah

  Reliance On Allah
  By Shaykh Ashraf Salah


Dear Muslims: Allah (SWT) says: “… And upon Allah rely, if you are true believers” (Al-Ma’idah: 23), also: “… And whoever relies on Allah - then He is sufficient for him.” (At-Talaq: 3) and He (SWT) says regarding His pious slaves: “… Our Lord, upon You we have relied, and to You we have returned, and to You is the destination.” (Al-Mumtahinah: 4). He (SWT) said to His Messenger (PBUH): “So rely upon Allah; indeed, you are upon the clear truth” (An-Naml: 79) and also: “… And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him]” (Aal-‘Imraan: 159) and also: “… And rely upon Allah. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs” (An-Nisaa’: 81).
‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab, (RAA), narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “If you rely on Allah with due reliance, Allah will provide for you as He does for the birds; they leave with empty stomachs in the morning and return full at dusk.” (Tirmidhi).
Ibn ‘Abbaas, (RAA), said: ‘The words, ‘HasbunaAllahu Wa Ni’mal Wakeel’ (Allah is sufficient for us, and how fine a trustee (He is)!) was said by Prophet Ibraheem, (PBUH), when he was thrown into the fire (by his own people), and was also said by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when the hypocrites said to him: “People have gathered against you, so fear them. But it increased their faith, and they said, Sufficient is Allah for us and He is the best to rely on” (Aal-‘Imraan: 173).’ (Bukhaari).
Also, Anas bin Maalik, (RAA), narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whoever says as he leaves his home: ‘Bismillaah Tawakkaltu ‘Ala Allah Wala Hawla Wala Quwwata Illaa Billaah’ (In the name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah, and there is no might nor power except with Allah); it will be said, ‘You will be guided, protected and sufficed’; a devil will say to another devil: ‘What do you think of (i.e., what harm can we do to) one who is guided, protected and sufficed?’” (Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajah and others).
Dear Muslims: These were the words of Allah and the words of His Messenger (PBUH) regarding reliance upon Him (SWT). All what have been mentioned are but a few of the numerous verses from the Qur’an and Ahadeeth that relate to the great and virtuous subject of reliance on Allah.

Reliance on Allah (SWT) is a great act of worship that many people have strayed away from either due to ignorance or negligence. The scholars have said: ‘Reliance on Allah is half of the religion of Islam and the other half is returning to Him (SWT) in repentance.’ Therefore the religion of Islam comprises of seeking the support of Allah and worshipping him: The support element is to rely on Him and the worship element is to return to Him in repentance. The following verse affirms this; Allah (SWT) says: “It is You we worship and You we ask for help” (Al-Fatihah: 5). This verse means that we worship none but Allah alone and in order to do so, we seek support from Him alone, because He (SWT) is the only real supporter.

Reliance on Allah (SWT) is a deed of the heart and not the limbs. Imam Ahmad, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: “Reliance is a deed performed by the heart” which means that it is something which a person neither professes with his tongue nor acts out with his limbs. Reliance can be defined as: “The certainty of the heart that the Lord (Allah) is sufficient for it” while others have said that it is: ‘Being content with the decree of Allah’.

Dear Muslims: One should know Allah (SWT) by His qualities and attributes; such as the fact that He (SWT) is All Capable and Sufficient to rely on; that He is the Sustainer; that He is All-Knowing and that things can only happen with His will and decree. Knowing all this achieves the first pillar, with which the slave of Allah initiates the pillars of reliance. The more a slave of Allah knows about Him (SWT), the more sound and firm his reliance on Allah will be.

On the other hand, we should believe that every matter has a cause or a means in order for it to be materialised. Some people give up utilising these means due to their ignorance and think that this is reliance on Allah. They wait for Allah (SWT) to send down their provisions and feed them while they are lying on their beds without exerting any effort whatsoever. This is nothing but the laziness which the Prophet (PBUH) referred to in the Hadeeth which was narrated by Abu Hurayrah, (RAA): “Be keen to do that which would benefit you, rely on Allah and do not be lazy (by not exerting effort) and say when a problem befalls you: ‘If I would have done such and such, then the result would have been such and such’ rather you should say: ‘This was decreed by Allah and Allah does what He wills.’ Saying ‘If’ opens the gate for Satan.” (Muslim).

At the same time, one who is relying on Allah must know that although he must utilise all the possible means that Allah has provided for him, his heart must still rely totally on Allah to achieve his objectives. For example, when one applies for a job, his heart should still be attached to Allah (SWT) for provision; he should not think that the job itself is providing for him. In fact, the importance of the utilisation of all possible means is derived from the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH); an example of this is when he (PBUH) wore two coats of armour during the battle of Uhud and did not give up wearing them with the excuse of relying on Allah.

Abandoning the utilisation of means violates reliance, just like depending on means violates reliance. Some people abandon the use of means claiming that they only rely on Allah, despite the fact that Allah rebuked those who behaved in such a manner. Ibn ‘Abbaas, (RAA), narrated that: “The people of Yaman used to come to Hajj without bringing their provisions saying: ‘We rely only on Allah’ but when they would reach Makkah they would start begging people for money; so Allah revealed: “…And take provisions, but indeed, the best provision is fear of Allah …” (Al-Baqarah: 197)” (Bukhaari).

Dear Muslims: The essence of reliance on Allah (SWT) is to entrust all matters to Him willingly, without feeling forced to do so. This is just like, for example, how a weak son would trust his parents due to the fact that he knows that the parents are caring, merciful and sufficient for him and that they would properly manage his affairs. This son knows that his parents manage his affairs better than he could do himself. Allah (SWT) mentions this type of entrustment in the Holy Qur’an when He (SWT) says telling us about a believing man at the time of Moses (PBUH): “…And I entrust my affair to Allah …” (Ghaafir: 44).

Moreover, we should be content with the outcome of the reliance on Allah. In fact, this is the fruit of entrusting Allah (SWT) with all ones affairs. For this reason, the scholars of Islam have defined reliance on Allah to mean contentment with the decrees of Allah.

Dear Brothers And Sisters In Islam: One who truly relies on Allah (SWT) will never worry about attaining provisions, nor will he ever attempt to obtain them unlawfully. We must know that provisions are in the Hands of Allah (SWT) and that every one will get the provision destined for him as the Prophet (PBUH) said: “O people fear Allah and seek your provisions in moderation, because nobody will die until he has consumed his provisions, even if he does not look for it. So fear Allah and seek your provisions in moderation and take only that which is lawful and abandon that which is unlawful.” (Ibn Maajah). Also, Ibn `Abbas (RAA) reported: One day, I was riding behind the Prophet (PBUH) when he said, "O boy! I will instruct you in some matters. Be watchful of Allah (Commandments of Allah), He will preserve you. Safeguard His Rights, He will be ever with you. If you beg, beg of Him Alone; and if you need assistance, supplicate to Allah Alone for help. And remember that if all the people gather to benefit you, they will not be able to benefit you except that which Allah had foreordained (for you); and if all of them gather to do harm to you, they will not be able to afflict you with anything other than that which Allah had pre - destined against you. The pens had been lifted and the ink had dried up."  (Reported by Al - Tirmidhi). Another narration is: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Safeguard the Commandments of Allah, you will find Him before you. Remember Him in prosperity and He will remember you in adversity. Be sure that which you miss, was not to hit you; and what hits you, was never to miss you. Remember that the Help of Allah is obtained with patience, and relief emerges after distress, prosperity follows adversity, and hardship is followed by ease."
Dear Muslims: The Prophet (PBUH) said in the Du’aa’ of Al-Istikhaarah (seeking guidance and trying to form a decision): “O Allah I seek Your counsel by Your knowledge and by Your power I seek strength, I ask You from Your immense favour…” - this is entrustment of and reliance upon Him. Then he (PBUH) said: “…Indeed You are able while I am not able, and indeed You know while I do not know and You are The Knower of the unseen…” This is the denial of having any knowledge or power, then supplicating to Allah by virtue of His names and attributes, then asking Him to decree that which is good.

The Prophet (PBUH) is teaching us how to attain reliance in the above mentioned Du’aa’, so why can’t we be like those who rely on Allah? Those whose hearts are attached to none but Allah; those who have hope in and supplicate only to Him; they utilise all means but only rely on the One Who facilitated these means; while they deal with the creation they rely only on The Creator. Glad tidings and success are for such people, those who seek refuge only in Allah; the One Who controls the Heavens and the earth.

May Allah (SWT), bless, guide and forgive us all. (Ameen).

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